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    Reusable Custom Web Components coded in Vanilla JavaScript

    With Custom Elements, as web developers, we can create new HTML tags, but more important, we can reduce the number of lines to code and we can add reactivity to this components altogether.

    Why are Custom Web Components so important?

    Because they let us move aside from HTML template boundaries and put our main logic into the JavaScript language scope.


    Here’s a very simple example of a multi-counter application.

    This code creates a reusable Button component. Once you click a button, its declared value increments the state of the counter state property of the Button component.

    The Button component displays the current value of the Button counter state, changing its color according to the current counter value, as it goes:

    • Red (between 0 and 3)
    • Yellow (between 4 and 6)
    • Green (between 7 and 10)
    • Black (greater than 10)

    HTML Markup

    The only HTML markup we need:

      <div id="buttons">
       <my-button counter="0"></my-button>
       <my-button counter="0"></my-button>
       <my-button counter="0"></my-button>
    The custom button has a "counter" attribute (default 0) to be used as the counter value.

    Defining a Custom Element

    For creating a Custom element, we first have to declare a class for the custom element that defines how the element will behave. This class needs to extend the HTMLElement class.

    Let's describe this class:

    class MyButton extends HTMLElement {
     constructor() {
     this.addEventListener('click', e => {
        var value = this.btnAction(this.getAttribute('counter'));

       var newval = parseInt(data) ;
       return newval ;
    Basically, the new class was defined and a click event was added to it.

    Let's take a detour and first discuss some of the lifecycle methods of custom elements. You can use the following lifecycle callbacks with custom elements:

    • connectedCallback — Called every time the element is inserted into the DOM.
    • disconnectedCallback — Called every time the element is removed from the DOM.
    • attributeChangedCallback — The behavior occurs when an attribute of the element is added, removed, updated, or replaced.

    Let's add the necessary callbacks to "MyButton" class:

    connectedCallback() {
      let btnId = this.getAttribute('counter');
      var template =  buttonTpl(this.getAttribute('counter'));
      this.innerHTML=template ;
    This callback will be executed once my-button is mounted on the DOM, replacing the inner HTML code with the HTML template returned by our "buttonTpl()" function.

    static get observedAttributes() {return ['counter']; 
    attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue) {
     var template = buttonTpl(newValue);
     this.innerHTML=template ;argin:auto;
    And this other callback (quite similar to its predecessor) will be executed every time the "counter" attribute is updated with a new value.

    Now, we only need to tell the DOM to use our custom component:

      customElements.define('my-button', MyButton);

    Expected behavior

    The "connectedCallback" function will be executed when the page is loaded and the component mounted.

    Every time a custom button is clicked, we gather the current counter value and increment it by one.
    As a result of this operation, we update the "counter" attribute with the new value.

    The "attributeChangedCallback" function will be executed as a result of this update operation.

    Wrapping Up

    I hope this article gives you enough information to go and build your own custom components without any dependencies.

    You can check out this example live here: Reusable Web Components in Vanilla JavaScript

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