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    Oracle PL/SQL loop through pre-defined values - The easiest way

    How many times did you need to loop iterate through a set of predefined values using PL/SQL language?

    And how many times did you face examples addressing complex paths using "type of varchar2" kind of tables or PL/SQL arrays?

    I bet .. countless times ... right?

    Thing is, even when those examples deliver what we need, they are just "old-school" coding style.

    Here’s a simple trick on how to make a PL/SQL loop iterate through a set of predefined values.

    Basically, this trick:

    • Uses regular expressión to extract each word from a string
    • Each word in the string is delimited by a blank space.
    • And use "connect by" statement to build a hierarchical query.

    Here we go with the code:

    procedure iterateWord
    inputString varchar2(200) default 'wordA wordB wordC'; 
    pos number default 0 ; 
    cursor v_word is
      select regexp_substr(inputString, '[^ ]+', 1, level) as str from dual
      connect by regexp_substr(inputString, '[^ ]+', 1, level) is not null; 
         for i in v_word
             pos := pos + 1;
             dbms_output.put_line(pos||': '||i.str
         end loop;
    end iterateWord;

    You can use any other given delimiter, for instance, let' say you want to use commas then the regular expression will be like the following:

    cursor v_word is
      select regexp_substr(inputString, '[^,]+', 1, level) as str from dual
      connect by regexp_substr(inputString, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null; 

    I found this approach pretty much concise and effective.

    Keep it handy as I do!

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