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    Are you a freelancer? organize your workspace now!

    An organized workspace is more than just a pretty area; it can have effects that benefit you on a psychological level, too.

    In other words, learning how to organize your workspace at home can lead you to results that make you feel good.

    Clutter everywhere might seem like a joke sometimes, but it can actually have a detrimental effect on your productivity at home.

    6 Steps to Boost Your Productivity

    Here are 6 benefits of decluttering your workspace:

    1. Improved comfortability

    Chances are that you’ve tried to put an important file on your desk at some point but couldn’t find a space to put it on the cluttered workstation that seems to be shrinking around you.

    You may start to feel closed in at your home office desk. Keeping your workspace tidy can help make you more comfortable at work. A more open space and a more comfortable environment can lead to greater productivity.

    Consider how hard it is to complete a task when you’re physically uncomfortable and then apply it to this situation.

    2. Boosted confidence

    A cluttered desk also probably means that you have lost items at some point.

    When you can easily produce needed materials and don’t have to shuffle around your desk looking for them, you can feel more confident in your work.

    3. Accomplishment

    When life is moving along slowly at home, you may feel as though you aren’t contributing anything to the environment or that you have stopped reaching milestones.

    While the ultimate goal is to feel fulfilled in your career, you can also look to smaller accomplishments along the way.

    When you take the time to declutter your desk, you can feel good about checking an item off from your to-do list. Instead of looking at another project that hasn’t been completed, you can know that you achieved a small win.

    4. Dealing with procrastination

    One of the reasons for delaying the organization of a cluttered desk might be that you are a procrastinator.

    Procrastination can have some benefits, especially for those individuals who work well under pressure, but it can also mean that you don’t get anything done.

    5. Building time management skills

    Clearing your clutter might seem like a daunting task that will take a lot from your workday.

    Depending upon how bad the situation is, resolving it could take some time. However, that doesn’t mean you need to complete the project in one sitting or even in one day. Instead of attempting to do that, make a plan.

    You can allocate a certain amount of time each day to work on the decluttering process.

    Find out which other skills you need to develop in my other post here.

    This strategy will help to teach you better time-management skills, which can then be applied to your work in general.

    6. Developing creativity

    Having clutter around you might stifle your creativity. For example, you may look at the environment around you only to find that you have no inspiration.

    You may lack access to the tools that you need to sharpen your creativity or to finish your project because you can’t find them.

    Wrapping Up

    Taking the time to declutter your desk can change your day to day work life. A clear workspace can alter the way that you perceive yourself and encourage you to be more productive at work.

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