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    Are you a fully formed remote team member?

    There are many companies that have adopted a fully fleshed out remote infrastructure.

    These support structures come in the form of companies that have a large percentage of employees working remotely, as well as companies that are entirely remote with no central office.

    When a majority of the workforce is working outside of a central office, there are a wealth of strategies and best practices that are adopted company-wide in order to facilitate successful remote work.

    But this is just the starting point, in order to achieve goals and keep the business running smoothly you need to become a key component of this structure.

    Let's review these highlights

    Fully remote teams are thoughtful, strategic, and adaptable to new and better practices to make remote work more seamless.

    And even more important, the "you are always reachable" idea is a must.

    Just like a co-located office requires considerations to make the environment more pleasing for employees, a remote company must also make specific adaptations:

    • Communication occurs digitally in open chat channels 
    • When some members of the meeting are remote, all participants hop on individual video screens, regardless of location
    • People who are not present in the office are not left out of decision making, only to be “filled in” later.
    • Employees are having regular check-ins with their managers to ensure they are aware of their expectations and deadlines.
    • Remote employees should work in a quiet room, not permitted to be a primary caregiver for a child or infirmed person.
    • Remote employees should not do side work, during the workday.

    It’s important to remember that not all remote experiences are the same.
    Some companies pull it off seamlessly, whereas others struggle with adapting to structures to support teams that are not located in the same place

    At the end of the day is just about work and people.

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